White Grant Request Approved for Environmental Study of Parkwood Recreation Center

November 14, 2017

HARRISBURG— A grant supported by Rep. Martina White (R-Philadelphia) to address contamination at the Parkwood Youth Organization Recreation Center has been approved by the Commonwealth Financing Authority (CFA).

The project consists of an environmental assessment and remedial investigation.

“The Parkwood Recreation Center is a major gathering spot for families and sports teams in our area,” White said. “Unfortunately, decades of short-dumping have contaminated land near the center, which raises serious questions about the environmental safety of the area.”

The city has identified contamination in the 2.92-acre portion at the back of the property adjacent to Poquessing Creek. The large area and its proximity to the recreation center’s fields, as well as the creek, have created a potential exposure to contamination.

“We need a complete site survey with groundwater monitoring,” White said. “That will allow the city to evaluate the full extent of the contamination.”

The CFA grant will defray $45,260 of the cost of the investigation.

The CFA was established in 2004 as an independent agency of the Department of Community and Economic Development to administer Pennsylvania's economic stimulus packages.

“I want to thank the Parkwood Youth Organization for its commitment to our environment, and the CFA for acknowledging that need and helping us make our community safer,” White said.

In addition, the city will complete the embankment stabilization design to provide the technical specifications necessary to prevent future degradation of the property and any impact to Poquessing Creek. The total project cost is $53,248.

“I want to thank the CFA for responding so quickly to this,” White said. “We must make sure the properties where our kids play are safe.”

Representative Martina White
170th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: David Foster

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