About Martina

Martina, a financial advisor and lifelong resident of Northeast Philadelphia, was first elected on March 24, 2015 in a special election to fill an open seat in the 170th District. She became the first new Republican elected in Philadelphia in 25 years.

The 170th District includes the neighborhoods of Parkwood, Somerton and parts of Millbrook, Morrell and Chalfont within Philadelphia.

Martina has worked on various issues and delivered increased funding for school and the EITC program, public safety including concurrent jurisdiction for illegal firearm crimes as well as the impeachment of the Philadelphia District Attorney and increasing services for our seniors.

Martina has been selected as the Secretary of the House Republican Caucus in both the previous and current session. She also serves on the Rules Committee and the Committee on Committees.

Additionally, she serves on the Septa Board, has chaired the House Republican House Transportation Infrastructure Committee and the Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) Task Force.

As a financial advisor, Martina guided families and small business owners on how to best accomplish their financial goals. There, she saw the challenges of raising children and dealing with the high cost of education and health care which helped inspire her to seek office to assist working families across the Commonwealth.

The first member of her immediate family to graduate from college, Martina received her Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from Elizabethtown College.


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